2.2.7 Ice Blasting

This application mainly uses carbon dioxide ice. It is suitable for removing paints, dirt, grease and similar coating on surfaces.

Carbon dioxide ice is carbon dioxide (CO2) in solidified form. It is odourless and not toxic.

Fluid carbon dioxide being under high pressure is decompressed in special machines. This process generates the carbon dioxide ice with a temperature of – 79°C. Then, fine granular material is made of this carbon dioxide ice; this granular material can be used as abrasive.

You can get the carbon dioxide ice abrasive in special cooling boxes.

When using carbon dioxide ice special compressed-air and injection blasting units are necessary to use. Within these units the granular material is blasted onto the surface to be cleaned. The soiling contracts and embrittles because of high supercooling during the contact time of the abrasive and the surface of the workpiece. This so-called “thermo tension” detaches the layer form the basic material. The coating will then completely be removed with the help of the speed of the subsequently impinging granular parts. This is called the ”thermal effect”.

Immediately after the impact the granular material dissolves completely into gas and goes back into the atmosphere.