Air Compressors and Processors
You need compressors which are fully operational anywhere without exception, guaranteed to provide an immediate, trouble-free supply of compressed air. They must be economic to operate and maintain, have a long life and fulfil the regulations for the environment. Our answer is the electric compressors of the GA series or, for site work, the diesel compressors of the XA(S) + XAH(S) series
Kompressoren, auf die Verlaß ist. Konstruiert nach den Erfordernissen des Marktes, gebaut unter Einhaltung der strengen Fertigungsnormen von Atlas Copco. Leistungsgetestet unter härtesten Einsatzbedingungen.
Compressors you can depend on. They are designed according to market requirements, produced according to the strict manufacturing norms of Atlas Copco and guarantee you the performance which will always keep you ahead of your competitors.
KIESS provides you also with the following accessories:
- Pressure tank
- Air and water cooled after-cooler
- Refrigerated air dryer
- Condensat separator
- Oil/water separator etc.